Gas-to-liquid plate heat exchangers

From exceptionally high temperatures to media with extremely asymmetrical flow rates, Alfa Laval’s gas-to-liquid portfolio handles more than other plate heat exchangers. Built with a revolutionary asymmetric “dimple” plate design, our gas-to-liquid models provide efficient heat recovery and very low pressure drop in gas applications – all within a significantly smaller footprint than tubular technologies.


Handle more with brazed gas-to-liquid technology

  • The lightweight construction offers much greater thermal efficiency and is typically 75% smaller than comparable shell-and-tubes
  • Available as copper-brazed (GL and GLX) and 100% stainless steel (AlfaNova GL)
  • Supports gas temperatures up to 750°C with no risk of thermal fatigue. For some applications, temperatures above 1400°C are possible.
  • Very low pressure drop in asymmetric applications thanks to patented “dimple” plate design
  • Fast global delivery thanks to Alfa Laval’s advanced production and logistics capabilities as well as a stock of standard gas-to-liquid models
The unique design of our gas-to-liquid plate heat exchangers enables them to operate with much higher flow volumes on one side of the plate. They can therefore handle complicated gas media duties that are impossible for other plate heat exchangers, with very low pressure drop and the ability to resist thermal fatigue. This opens up possibilities for heat recovery in a wide range of industries, offering faster payback times as well as important environmental benefits. These advantages make our gas-to-liquid heat exchangers suitable for a number of challenging applications, such as air compression and combined heat and power.

Customer cases

Boosting CHP efficiency with gas-to-liquid technology


A compact, efficient pre-cooler for compressed air

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A compact and efficient solution for micro-CHP


Sustainable heat recovery in compressed air systems


Alfa Lavalin levylämmönvaihtimilla varustettu polttokennojärjestelmä – Kestävä, turvallinen ja kustannustehokas

Kun saksalainen uusiutuvan energian toimittaja HEE Technologies GmbH suunnitteli lämmön ja sähkön yhdistelmää (CHP) hyödyntävän polttokennojärjestelmän, oli selvää, että polttokennojen pinojäähdytykseen ja pakokaasun lämmöntalteenottoon valittiin Alfa Lavalin levylämmönvaihtimet. Järjestelmän energianlähteenä on vety, joten se on kestävä, turvallinen ja kustannustehokas.

The HEE fuel cell system


Meet the new AlfaNova GL50

The GL50 is an asymmetric gas-to-liquid plate heat exchanger made from 100% stainless steel. It is small enough to hold in one hand, but can handle gas flows of 250 cubic meter per hour, as well as inlet gas temperatures up to 750°C, with exceptional performance.


A heat exchanger that can handle more

The GL product line of Alfa Laval gas-to-liquid heat exchangers provides maximum efficiency within an ultra-compact footprint. The result is all new possibilities in a huge number of applications and industries.

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Meet the full gas-to-liquid portfolio

Want to learn more about what our unique gas-to-liquid technology can offer in your business? Read about relevant applications and get technical specifications by downloading our portfolio overview.

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Nopeuta kestävien ratkaisujen käyttöönottoa

Kuvittele kestävämpi maailma. Maailma, jossa tarvitaan vähemmän tuottamaan vielä enemmän. Maailma, jossa vastaamme tehokkaasti kasvaviin energiantarpeisiimme ja samalla vähennämme hiilidioksidipäästöjä. Kuvittele maailmaa, jossa voimme valjastaa luonnonvarojen voiman mutta samalla suojella niitä. Alfa Lavalilla emme vain kuvittele tätä maailmaa. Rakennamme sitä yhdessä asiakkaidemme ja kumppaneidemme kanssa.

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See for yourself

As efficient technology with a very small footprint, Alfa Laval’s GL plate heat exchangers can be used in positions throughout your process. View this example animation to learn more and see for yourself just how compact they truly are!

Your hub for the latest in heating and cooling

With expertise from decades of experience in heat exchange, Alfa Laval offers knowledgeable resources for today’s heating and cooling challenges. Discover answers to complex questions on everything from energy efficiency to natural refrigerants, along with helpful tools that make it simpler to find the right technology for your application.

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Contact us

Do you need the power to handle more in your gas cooling applications? Contact us today to learn more about the complete portfolio of Alfa Laval gas-to-liquid plate heat exchangers. Our experts can work with you to find the optimal model to fit your specific needs.


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