LabUnit M37/38

The Alfa Laval LabUnit M37/38 is a fully integrated plate-and-frame system for ultrafiltration and microfiltration membrane processes. The module of this unit utilizes the same support plates and membranes as our full-scale membrane filtration modules. This makes the Alfa Laval LabUnit M37/38 a flexible tool for process development, up-scaling, membrane testing, quality assurance and small-scale production. Optional plate sets are available for feeds of different viscosity / solids content

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Fully integrated system

The LabUnit M37/38 is a fully integrated desktop system comprising an Alfa Laval LabStak® M37/38 module, pump, pipework, valves and instrumentation.

The Alfa Laval LabUnit M37/38 offers the flexibility to simultaneously test up to 7 different membrane types. It can be fitted with the full range of Alfa Laval flat sheet membranes for ultrafiltration and microfiltration.


For the Alfa Laval LabUnit M37/38 we offer plate sets with diffent channel heights to optimize flow and pressure:

  • M37 plate set
    For high viscosity liquids
  • M38H plate set
    High channel, for medium viscosity liquids
  • M38L plate set
    Low channel, for low viscosity liquids

Alfa Laval LabStak® M37/38

Alfa Laval LabStak® M37/38_320x180pxThe Alfa Laval LabStak® M37/38 installed in the Alfa Laval LabUnit M37/38 is also available as a separate test unit for the same applications as the Alfa Laval LabUnit M37/38, and with the same distinct properties.


  • fully integrated system comprising an Alfa Laval LabStak® M37 or M38 complete with  pump, pipework, valves, heat exchanger and instrumentation
  • coupling possible to the by-pass stream of an industrial plant
  • flow pattern similar to that of larger plants for up-scaling reliability
  • different channel height options available to optimize flow and pressure
  • flexible system design
  • flexible membrane area between 0.11 and 1.05 m²
  • simultaneous test of up to 7 different membrane types 
  • easy exchange of membranes
  • high operating temperature (up to 80°)
  • low internal volume
  • all components in compliance with FDA regulations, allowing use within food and pharmaceutical processing applications


The feed stream/retentate flows through the open channels across the membrane surface in the plate-and-frame unit.

The membrane is supported by hollow plates with numerous slots that allow the permeate to be collected and removed from the unit via the permeate collecting tubes.

Plate-and-frame units use the membrane itself, aided by lock rings or strips, to seal off the feed/retentate and prevent any mixing with the permeate. This also prevents leaks from the plate stak itself.

Flow diagram of typical installation
Flow diagram of typical membrane filtration installation