Henkilökohtainen hygienia ja kosmetiikka

Demand for skin care and hair care products, cosmetics, deodorants, toothpastes and more continues to grow. Safe hygienic and cost effective manufacturing of personal care products requires getting the most out of raw materials and ensuring repeatable and reliable processes while safeguarding product quality.

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On the pulse of personal care manufacturing

Makers of personal care products are under pressure to deliver a broad range of shampoos, shaving creams, toothpastes, lotions, cosmetics and other products that meet regulatory requirements and changing consumer preferences.

Alfa Laval helps relieve the pressure through our broad range of hygienic equipment that can help reduce production costs, cut utilities consumption and safeguard product quality.

Our equipment ensures reliable raw material handling, product mixing and blending, transfer, cleaning and sterilizing in place, with a variety of automation and control at every process stage.

We also offer, rheology, material selection and product testing expertise to help you gain competitive advantage through enhanced process efficiency.

Why choose Alfa Laval?

  • Increase uptime and production yields
  • Ease commissioning, qualification, cleaning and service
  • Comply with all relevant standards and cGMP
  • Provide in-batch and batch-to-batch consistency
  • Safeguard product characteristics and quality
  • Protect the integrity of the finished product
  • Combine maximum hygiene with maximum efficiency 
  • Reduce energy and water consumption


Viimeisin Close at hand -luettelon verkkoversio   

Tutustu Close at hand -luetteloon


Uusin verkkoversio

Alfa Lavalin varaosaluettelo

Alfa Laval 360° Service Portfolio

Alfa Laval hygienic equipment is backed by the Alfa Laval 360° Service Portfolio to extend performance. Contact us

Tekniset kuvaukset

Hygieenisten tuotteiden esitteet

Alfa Laval brochures with hygienic equipmentHae tarvitsemasi tiedot hygieeniseen käyttöön tarkoitetuista tuotteistamme





Putket ja kiinnikkeet 

Venttiilit ja automaatio 


Lisätietoa tuotteesta ja sen toimintaperiaatteista löydät animaatiosivultamme, jossa voit myös tarkastella tuotetta sisältä päin. 


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